De Grey Mining / DEG (ASX)

  • De Grey Mining in trading halt ahead of Mallina Gold Project exploration news
    The trading halt will remain in place until Thursday, March 5, or when an announcement is released to the market.
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://static1.proactiveinves…194117_tradingscreens.jpg]
    The Mallina Gold Project is 60 kilometres south of Port Hedland
    De Grey Mining Ltd (ASX:DEG) has been granted a trading halt by the ASX ahead of an announcement of exploration results from Hemi prospect within the Mallina Gold Project near Port Hedland in Western Australia.
    The trading halt will remain in place until the beginning of trade on Thursday, March 5, 2020, or when an announcement is released to the market, whichever occurs earliest.
    In its application for the halt, DEG said: "The trading halt is requested for the purposes of a material exploration results update from the Hemi prospect at the company’s wholly-owned Mallina Gold Project."
    Shares last traded at 18.5 cents and in the last month have risen from 4.6 cents.
    Recent drilling results
    At the end of February, shares reached 24.2 cents, a new 12-month high, following drilling results at Hemi which interested ‘very encouraging’ sulphide-rich alteration over large widths and depth.
    The reverse circulation (RC) holes were drilled on Section B at Hemi and have expanded the prospect to more than 160 metres wide and greater than 120 metres depth.
    Intersections included:

    • 97 metres of sulphide mineralisation in HERC001; and
    • 45 metres of sulphide mineralisation in HERCOO2.
  • Es stehen noch AC ,RC und DD Ergebnisse aus. Ich vermute, man wird zunächst die schon länger offenen Ergebnisse der AC Löcher und die Gehalte der Sulfidmineralisierung aus der RC Bohrung bringen. DD wurde erst kürzlich avisiert, das dauert sicher noch eine Weile.

    Ich bin äußerst gespannt !

  • Der Markt hat die Ergebnisse gut aufgenommen. 62 Bohrlöcher sind noch ausstehend. Potential soll angeblich bei bis zu 5 Millionen Goldunzen in dieser Lagerstätte sein. Dazu schöne lange Intervalle von Mineralisierungen die noch in Länge und Tiefe offen sind. Mein persönliches Kursziel kurzfristig liegt bei 0,30 aud!

  • das fette GAP stört mich aber. Ein intraday reversal wäre doch gut, dann könnte es bei weiteren guten Bohrergebnissen weiter hochgehen, ansonsten denke ich wird es demnächst wieder abverkauft. Kommt auch darauf an wann die nächsten Ergebnisse veröffentlicht werden.

  • sehr enge Handelsspanne heute zwischen 23 -24,5 aud cent. Im Plus geschlossen. Volumen vegleichsweise niedrig für die letzten Handelstage. Alle sind gespannt und warten auf die nächsten Bohrergebnisse, die hoffentlich Kontinuität anzeigen werden, bezüglich Grades und Mineralisierung.
    Wird aber auch vom Goldpreis abhängen, ob die Investoren und Trayder weiterhin so zuversichtlich sind.

  • De Grey unearths atypical Pilbara gold system
    March 6, 2020News Vanessa Zhou
     [Blockierte Grafik:]Aircore drilling at Hemi, with RC rig in background. Image: De Grey Mining

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    De Grey Mining has discovered a large scale gold system at the Hemi prospect in Western Australia, which qualifies as “some of the best discovery intersections” ever seen.
    The company’s reverse circulation (RC) drilling confirmed strong mineralisation at depth, with sulphide zone expanding to 200 metres wide and potential for more than 320 metres of strike.
    Results include 93 metres at 3.3 grams per tonne from 39 metres, where a tail was drilled with a diamond rig and sulphide rich alteration immediately encountered as expected.
    Other significant results also include 51 metres at 2.2 grams per tonne from 98 metres, and 12 metres at 1.9 grams per tonne.
    “Early drilling at Hemi has produced some of the best discovery intersections that I have seen,” De Grey exploration manager Phil Tornatora said.
    “Drilling to date shows exceptionally wide, continuous and good grade gold mineralisation.
    “Geological indications suggest that Hemi may be more of an intrusion related style of gold system rather than the more typical orogenic shear hosted style deposits of the Pilbara and other Western Australian goldfields.
    “We have three rigs on site advancing this exciting new discovery.”
    Aircore drilling is testing along the strike of the interpreted north east trending Brolga Zone, where sulphide mineralisation could be difficult to identify.
    An RC rig and a diamond rig are on site following up and extending mineralisation along strike and at depth.

  • Mal zur Abwechslung wieder etwas positives:


    Die Zone auf Hemi wird erweitert!

    Continuing extensive sulphide mineralisation intersected at Hemi
    Brolga Gold Zone

     RC drilling extends sulphide rich mineralisation along strike
     Up to 200m wide sulphide zones defined on section 30,560E and 30,720E  Sulphide mineralisation now 200m wide by +160m strike x +150m deep - open in all directions.

    Initial diamond drilling core shows abundant disseminated sulphide mineralisation
    Figure 1 Brolga Zone – Section 30,640E diamond drill core HEDD001 (field of view ~5cm x 15cm from 149.5m) showing abundant disseminated sulphide (pyrite and arsenopyrite) mineralisation within the intrusive immediately below the previously reported gold zone.

    New gold intercepts continue to extend gold mineralisation on section 30,640E
    13m @ 1.9g/t Au from 36m in HEDD001 (RC pre-collar only) 
    18m @ 2.3g/t Au from 59m in HEDD001 (RC pre-collar only) 
    16m @ 2.6g/t Au from 104m in HEDD001 (RC pre-collar only)

    Ein Wert im Plus! ;)

    Golden State ein Nachbar von De grey fängt bald mit dem Bohren an. Sehr interessanter Wert auf dem Niveau. Kaufenswert.

    Desweiteren hier im Anhang eine weitere Beteiligungserhöhung von DGO + orddentlich cash für degrey. Hier wurden gleich die Anteil für 0,30 aud cent gekauft. Das ist ein gutes Zeichen.


  • Was hätte diese News in normalen Zeiten für eine Folge gehabt? ?(

    Meldung 17.03.2020


    Brolga Zone ➢ RC and diamond drilling extends Brolga to +240m strike and 220m depth • +200m wide sulphide mineralisation intersected on Section 30,480E, 160m west of the original Section B (30,640E) • 70m of sulphides intersected in 1st diamond hole HEDD001 (Section 30,640E). • Results pending from further extensive sulphide mineralisation. • Mineralisation remains open ➢ Additional RC gold results on Section 30,640E include: • 43m @ 1.9g/t Au from 99m in HEDD002 (incl 6m @ 4.3g/t Au and 4m @ 5g/t Au) • 36m @ 3.2g/t Au from 156m in HEDD002 (incl 14m @ 5.6g/t Au) • 43m @ 1.9g/t Au from 34m in HERC002 (incl 6m @ 6.9g/t Au) ➢ Strong gold mineralisation confirmed along strike on section 30,560E. • 54m @ 2.2g/t Au from 42m in HERC013 (incl 5m @ 6g/t Au)

    Aquila Zone ➢ RC and aircore drilling confirms Aquila gold potential over 800m strike, up to 50m thick and 180m depth and remains open. ➢ RC drilling results confirm significant gold mineralisation • 51m @ 2.1g/t Au from 108m in HERC005(incl 8m @ 4.9g/t Au) • 62m @ 1.4g/t Au from 59m in HERC006 • 20m @ 2.0g/t Au from 142m in HERC009 (incl 3m @ 6.8g/t Au) ➢ Aircore results provide ongoing encouragement • 8m @ 2.1g/t Au from 48m in BWAC404 • 16m @ 1.4g/t Au from 52m in BWAC405 • 22m @ 1.5g/t Au from 88m in BWAC414 (incl 4m @ 5.5g/t Au)


  • Ressourcen Update, ohne Hemi, und trotzdem +29% - das wird in den kommenden Monaten sehr interessant werden:


    Total Gold Mineral Resource increases to 2.2Moz
    Total Mineral Resource (all drilling to 31 December 2019) – 37.44Mt @ 1.8g/t Au (2.2Moz) M & I (49%) 18.95Mt @ 1.7g/t Au (1.1Moz) Inferred (51%) 18.49Mt @ 1.9g/t Au (1.1Moz) Oxide (30%) 13.56Mt @ 1.5g/t Au (0.64Moz) Free Milling (29%) 11.03Mt @ 1.8g/t Au (0.62Moz)
    Sulphide (41%) 12.83Mt @ 2.2g/t (Au) (0.90Moz)
    ➢ 29% increase in contained gold ounces
    ➢ Consistent average gold grade at 1.8g/t
    Withnell Total (↑ 40%) 7.49Mt @ 2.5g/t for 599,900oz
    Withnell Underground (↑9%) 2.50Mt @ 3.9g/t for 317,100oz
    Toweranna (↑47%) 7.35Mt @ 2.2g/t for 524,100oz
    Mallina (↑91%) 6.76Mt @ 1.4g/t for 307,400oz

    **Hemi is not included in this new resource upgrade and provides substantial resource upside**


  • Und weiter mit positiven BE:


    BROLGA continues to grow

    Brolga dimensions increase a further 220m to +560m long, up to 300m wide, up to 300m deep and remains open  New sediment hosted gold mineralisation intersected – provides additional potential. 
    Further significant gold extensions defined in diamond and RC at Brolga 100.4m @ 2.8g/t Au from 104m in HEDD001 including 16m @ 2.6g/t Au from 104m (precollar) and 51.9m @ 3.2g/t from 146.4-198.3m (diamond core) 11m @ 2.1g/t Au from 223m in HEDD001 29.1m @ 2.4g/t Au from 150m in HERC018D 27m @ 2.1g/t Au from 71m in HERC032 35m @1.5g/t Au from 174m in HERC033 19m @ 1.4g/t Au from 35m in HERC034 67m @ 1.4g/t Au from 129m in HERC034 
    Encouraging gold mineralisation encountered in both footwall and hangingwall sediments, suggesting gold mineralisation is overprinting both intrusions and sediments. 20m @ 3.4g/t Au from 56m in BWAC432 including 4m @ 12.5g/t from 56m (Hanging wall) 3.9m @ 11.2g/t from 221.6m in HERC018D including 0.4m @ 97.3g/t from 221.6m (Footwall) 17.3m @ 0.9g/t Au from 354.68m in HERC012D (Footwall) 11.9m @ 1.0g/t Au from 381m in HERC012D (Footwall) 
    Potential for a large tonnage open pit style bulk mining opportunity enhanced

  • Gestern Nacht hat mein Verkaufslimit endlich gegriffen. Ca. 45 % der Gesamtposition für 0,30 aud verkauft. Der Rest bleibt erstmal bis auf eine kleine Position die in Deutschland zum Verkauf steht.
    Ich habe die Befürchtung das jetzt erstmal wieder eine Kapitalerhöhung kommen wird! Ich bin echt gespannt!

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