Norden Crown Metals / NOCR (TSX)

  • Gold, Silber, Blei, Zink/Explorer/Skandinavien

    Die Ehemalige Boreal Metals, soweit mich erinnere.
    Also grundsätzlich ist Das „erstmal einfach Ein Explorer“.
    Ich garantiere Nichts, aber m.E. ist Das schon Ein „echt Spannender Discoverer“
    (Alicanto Minerals, ASX, übrigens auch noch „In Der Nähe da“).
    Winni2 ist, soweit ich weiss, auch „ziemlich bezuckert“ von Denen
    (und Die lebt da ja auch quasi um Die Ecke, daher hat Sie da noch Nähere Einblicke)

    Partner, und teils im Share Register, sind EMX Royalty und Boliden Minerals AB(Das war Letztes Jahr Ein „Grosser Deal“).
    Viele Dinge sollte man nicht überschätzen, ich würde Diesen Fakt aber auch nicht unterschätzen…………………….

    EMX Royalty Die machen M.E. Interessante Geschäfte, und sind m.E. auch Eine Absolute Profi Truppe.
    Boliden, Die kennen sich „im Norden sicher exzellent aus“.
    Übersicht Entwicklungsmeilensteine Der Firma seit IPO auf Seite FÜNF/5 Presentation(s.u.) zu finden

    Letztendlich geht es bei Discoverern ja immer darum ob Die Eine „KRITISCHE Masse“ zusammenkriegen……………………
    Bei Norden Crown gibt’s m.E. zumindest Einiges Argumente dass Sie Das schaffen KÖNN(T)EN.
    Also Die Östra Silverberg Drills sind „schon Welche Der Besseren Die ich Die Letzten Jahre gesehen habe“
    (Summa Silver, SilverCrest Metals, Blackrock Silver bspw besser).
    Früher Eine Mine, Verschiedene Längen, auch Kurze, teilweise über 5 und 10 meter, und Grossteils >500g/Tonne SilverEquivalent, Deepest Hole „ended in Mineralisation“.

    Das sind schon Schöne Ansätze to BUILD ON denke ich.
    Grades sind definitiv da, Frage ist eher wie gross Das wird denke.

    Vallberget-Loberget Drills m.E. auch nicht schlecht, aber ein “Stück schlechter”.

    Burford Projekt ist Das Wo Boliden Minerals AB eingestiegen ist.
    Das Projekt kann ich bis jetzt nicht sonderlich einschätzten ehrlich gesagt.
    Bin mir nicht sicher was Boliden Minerals AB drin sieht,
    aber in Der Grossflächigen Prospektion sind auf Jeden Fall schon Einiges High(er) Grade Samples auf Ein NETT GRÖSSERES GEBIET VERTEILT.
    Vermuuuuutlich ist es Das, Was Sie „drin sehen“, schätze.

    Also Meiner Meinung sind Östra Silverberg und Vallberget-Loberget bis jetzt Die RELEVANTESTEN, WICHTIGSTEN, INTERESSANTESTEN PROJEKTE, worauf man sich m.E. fokussieren sollte, ich werde Das jedenfalls tun.
    Das heisst aber nicht dass Das, „Ranking“, in Stein gemeisselt ist.
    Sowas kann sich ändern, und teilweise tut es Das auch sehr, sehr schnell.

    Was ich sagen kann ist dass mir Die skandinavischen Länder als „Resource“ Länder oft auch SEHR, SEHR sympathisch sind.
    Mit zuvorderst Schweden, Norwegen, Finnland.
    Die haben „grundsätzlich schon Ein ziemlich Gutes Resource/Mining Umfeld/Environment, und werden teilweise ziemlich unterschätzt“ würde ich sagen.
    Also Die haben, finde ich, zuvorderst mal SEHR REASONABLE, sinnGELEITETE(was ich in EU/Germany mehr und mehr und mehr vermisse(unabhängig von „Mining“ Sektor)) Mining Policies.

    Wie gesagt, garantieren tue ich Nichts, aber Die Projekte sind m.E. „nicht gerade zufällig“ ausgesucht.

    Eine Weitere „skandinavische Firma mit Grosser Geo-These“ ist soweit gesehen habe noch DISTRICT METALS.
    Dazu kann, so far, nicht sehr Viel mehr sagen, will bei Gelegenheit Die Budddddddze nochmal bisschen schauen.

    Also, Fazit SEHR runtergekürzt: ich denke SPANNENDER, ABER NICHT RISIKOFREIER Discoverer.

  • Der Kurs von NOCR hat nach dem pp und der share consolidation sehr korrigiert. Dies Projekt ist noch ganz am Anfang. Schweden ist durchaus risikobehaftet, da es in der EUDSSR liegt. Der CEO hat sich bei Western Potash einen Namen gemacht. Viel mehr kann ich zu diesem Laden nicht sagen.

    District Metals ist meiner Meinung nach schon weiter als der kleine Nachbar.



  • 10.000-Zeilen-Regel............................

    [Blockierte Grafik:…wy-Australia-1024x634.jpg]


    The largest miner in the world, BHP Billiton (in 2018 shortened to BHP) began in the mid-1800s as a merger between two small mining companies, BHP and Billiton.

    Billiton’s roots go back to 1851 and a tin mine on the little-known Indonesian island of Belitung, while the first part of the name, BHP, is an acronym of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company, founded on July 16, 1885.

    Broken Hill Proprietary’s rich history started at its namesake Broken Hill mining property in New South Wales, a large silver, lead and zinc deposit.

    Broken Hill has an interesting history.

    In 1875, men drilling on a sheep station struck a lode of silver. The discovery prompted other station hands to look for the shiny metal, and in September 1883, a boundary rider named Charles Rasp found what he thought was tin oxide on an unusually shaped formation known locally as Broken Hill.

    Rasp wasn’t a geologist, but he had worked in the chemicals industry in his native Germany, giving him some knowledge of minerals. When Rasp sent samples to Adelaide for testing, the results were disappointing. They came back showing concentrations of lead and zinc but only trace amounts of silver.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]Source: YouTube

    Undeterred, Rasp maintained his belief and registered a 40-acre claim on the hill with two co-workers. He received the support of Mt. Gipps sheep station owner George McCullough, who initially was opposed to prospecting on his land, but softened his stance after a drought left the station in poor financial shape.

    “At the start it was very bad. There was no accommodation, water and provisions were scarce and the weather was very trying. It was an awfully dusty place. For 12 months it was really doubtful whether we would make anything out of it; I had unlimited faith in it right through. Of course, I did not think it would turn out as big as it has done, but I always thought it would be a fairly good thing.”

    • Charles Rasp, Argus, 19 August 1905

    McCullough convinced Rasp to take on more partners and organized some of the station hands to peg off claims. Known as the Syndicate of Seven, the men later amalgamated their claims into the Broken Hill Mining Company, the predecessor of BHP Billiton.

    As Professor Geoffrey Blaney discusses in a video of BHP’s founding, “They didn’t get all the good ore at Broken Hill, but they got a large part of the cream.”

    The National Museum of Australia describes what happened next:

    Mining on the Broken Hill was initially not a great success and shares in the enterprise changed hands many times between pegging the claim in 1883 and floating the company two years later. Lind, Poole and Urquhart sold out of the syndicate before the company made any significant finds.

    However, in January 1885 the syndicate’s luck changed when Phillip Charley found the first substantial amount of silver on the claim. In the company’s first large-scale smelting in Melbourne an astonishing 35,600 ounces of silver was produced from 48 tons of Broken Hill ore.

    Unemployed miners from around the country were attracted by the promise of Broken Hill. Most of the population of Silverton moved there, as did many Cornish miners from South Australia. The town of Broken Hill sprang up at the base of the hill, with Argent Street as its main road. In just six years the population neared 20,000.

    The directors made fortunes splitting their shares and floating different companies, and profits flowed on to shareholders.

    However, there were challenges: the sheer size of the lode (7.5 kilometres long and 250 metres wide) made the logistics of the operation complex and there were difficulties in finding senior staff qualified to manage the scale of the undertaking.

    Despite these difficulties, Broken Hill went on to become the largest single source of silver, lead and zinc in the world. It would eventually generate more than $100 billion.

    Fredriksson Gruva

    Fast forward to the spring of 2021, when Scandinavia-focused junior Norden Crown Metals (TSXV:NOCR, OTC:NOCRF, Frankfurt:03E) announced the discovery of “Broken Hill Type” mineralization at a prospect within its Gumsberg volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) project in Sweden.

    VMS deposits are sought after for mining because they usually contain a mix of base metals and sometimes precious metals including zinc, lead, copper, silver and gold. The minerals are often clustered together, making them relatively easy to extract.

    The Fredriksson Gruva target is a past-producing Swedish mine originally discovered in 1976.

    Based on historical drilling data and 3D modeling, the company projected that the mineralization does not end below historical mine workings, and instead continues, as suggested by regional drilling done by past explorers looking for iron deposits.

    The evidence so far is proving this theory correct .

    Having completed the first three drill holes, the company has successfully shown not only that the mineralization continues at depth, but that it has qualities consistent with a Broken Hill Type (BHT) deposit.

    BHT comparison

    BHT silver-zinc-lead deposits constitute some of the largest and highest-grade ore deposits in the world (see Table 4 below). The namesake deposit, Broken Hill in New South Wales, Australia, represents the largest accumulation of lead, zinc and silver on Earth.

    Broken Hill Types constitute a distinctive type of stratiform, sediment hosted lead-zinc mineral deposit. They are distinguished from other silver-zinc-lead deposits by the chemistry of the sediment that hosts them, and they are usually associated spatially and temporally with volcanism.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Most of the world’s BHT deposits are concentrated in Australia, Sweden and Africa. The map below shows the main ones.

    According to a research paper on Broken Hill Type lead-zinc deposits authored by geologist Robert Beeson, PhD, “Broken Hill-type deposits are major resources and sources of lead, zinc and silver. The large size of some deposits of the type, plus their potential to contain high grades of Pb-Zn, makes them an attractive exploration target. In addition, the metamorphic overprint increases the grain size of minerals and improves processing amenability. In consequence, deposits of this type are currently being mined in five continents.”

    There are two settings where mineralization in BHT deposits occurs: in calc-silicate rocks and in banded iron formations (BIF). (most Broken Hill Types contain both calc-silicates and BIF, but usually one is more prevalent than the other)

    Examples of the calc-silicate type are the Broken Hill mine in Australia, Zinkgruvan in the Bergslagen mining district of Sweden, currently being mined by Lundin, and the Franklin zinc-iron-manganese deposit in New Jersey, USA.

    Banded iron formations known to host Broken Hill Type mineralization include the Dammberg deposit in Sweden which is close to Norden Crown Metals’ Fredriksson target; Gamsberg and Aggeneys in South Africa, Pegmont at Mount Isa, Australia; and Boquira in Brazil.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]Examples of Broken Hill Type deposits, including their host rock, ie., calc-silicates and iron formations.

    Back to Norden Crown, the three discovery holes (569m), part of an 11-hole, 2,365-meter diamond drill program at its Gumsberg property, intersected significant (ie. wide, high-grade) mineralized widths ranging from 8.13 to 13.60 meters of precious and base metals massive and semi-massive sulfide mineralization, in a geological setting unique to the BHT clan of silver-rich zinc-lead ore deposits.

    “We are delighted to present to our shareholders robust silver-zinc-lead intersections which are part of a bona fide Broken Hill Type mineralizing system at Fredriksson Gruva; the widths and grades intersected beneath the historical mine workings suggest that the Gumsberg Project has exceptional growth potential,” said Patricio Varas, Norden Crown’s chairman and CEO, in the March 1 news release.

    “Massive sulphide deposits are special because it is possible to delineate large tonnages from comparatively small drill footprints due to the high density of the mineralization. To put these results into perspective, Norden Crown’s GUM-20-09 intercept is comparable in width to the height of a three-storey building.”

    The drill program’s objective was to demonstrate that the mineralization continues below the Fredriksson mine workings, which extend to 91m depth, and to confirm historical silver-zinc-lead grades, thicknesses and continuity.

    The findings from the first three holes confirm that Norden Crown is into a Broken Hill Type deposit such as those found in Australia, South Africa and parts of the Bergslagen mining district of southern Sweden where Gumsberg is located.............................................................."

  • Norden Crown Commences Exploration At The Burfjord Copper-gold Project, Norway ; Patricio Varas, Chairman and CEO of Norden Crown stated, “The joint Norden-Bolidenteam is working closely with newly collected structural, lithological, geochemical andinitial TEM geophysical data which suggest the large and intense IOCG alterationfootprint at Burfjord, with its numerous copper mineralized outcrops and large EMconductors, has excellent potential to discover a copper deposit of significance”. “It’spartnership with Boliden has significantly reduced Norden Crown’s financial riskinherent in exploring a large land position. With Boliden funding the Project, NordenCrown can conduct systematic exploration programs that optimize the potential toidentify economic mineral deposits. We believe this provides value to ourshareholders”

    [Blockierte Grafik:…mences_Exploration_at.jpg]

  • Norden Crown Commences Exploration At The Burfjord Copper-gold Project, Norway ; Patricio Varas, Chairman and CEO of Norden Crown stated, “The joint Norden-Bolidenteam is working closely with newly collected structural, lithological, geochemical andinitial TEM geophysical data which suggest the large and intense IOCG alterationfootprint at Burfjord, with its numerous copper mineralized outcrops and large EMconductors, has excellent potential to discover a copper deposit of significance”. “It’spartnership with Boliden has significantly reduced Norden Crown’s financial riskinherent in exploring a large land position. With Boliden funding the Project, NordenCrown can conduct systematic exploration programs that optimize the potential toidentify economic mineral deposits. We believe this provides value to ourshareholders”

    [Blockierte Grafik:…mences_Exploration_at.jpg]

    Norden Crown Metals started surface exploration at its 100% owned Gumsberg Project southern Sweden

    - The Gumsberg Project is located in the precious and base metal rich Bergslagen Province of southern Sweden. The objective of the surface exploration is to enhance existing exploration drilling targets through mapping, sampling, and airborne geophysics at the Fredriksson Gruva target. -

    - Norden Crown is a mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of silver, zinc, copper, and gold deposits in exceptional, historical mining project areas spanning Sweden and Norway.

    The Company aims to discover new economic mineral deposits in historical mining districts that have seen little or no modern exploration techniques.

    The Company is led by an experienced management team and an accomplished technical team, with successful track records in mineral discovery, mining development and financing.

    To learn more about Norden Crown Metals Corp. please visit

    Norden Crown Metals Corp. trades on the following exchanges:TSX.V under the symbol NOCROTC under the symbol NOCRFFrankfurt under the symbol 03E -

  • Norden Crown Metals Following up on Its Rare Massive Sulphide Discovery Holes with CEO Pat Varas

    - In this interview, Norden Crown Metals CEO Pat Varas explains the exploration plans to follow up on the massive sulphide discovery holes at the company’s Fredriksson Gruva prospect at its Gumsberg project in Sweden. This new silver-rich zinc-lead massive sulphide discovery at its Fredriksson Gruva project is rare. The company released in March 2021 results of three drill holes with wide, high-grade massive and semi-massive sulphide intersections that are part of a bonafide Broken Hill Type mineralizing system. The widths and grades intersected beneath the historic mine workings confirm Norden Crown’s assertion that the project has exceptional growth potential and Pat believes it could be a “company maker.”

    To demonstrate the significance of this new discovery, Pat stated: “Massive sulphide deposits are special because it is possible to delineate large tonnages from comparatively small drill footprints due to the high density of the mineralization. To put these results into perspective, Norden’s GUM-20-09 intercept is comparable in width to the height of a 3-story building.” The results are extremely significant because these drill holes as part of a Broken Hill Type system have the ability to attract the eyes and resources of a major miner.

    Norden Crown Metals Corp. is a Scandinavian explorer pursuing high-grade silver and polymetallic discoveries in prolific historic mining districts spanning Sweden and Norway. Norden Crown aims to discover new economic mineral deposits in known mining districts that have seen little or no modern exploration techniques. The company is led by an experienced management team and technical team, with successful track records in mineral discovery, mining development and financing.

    0:00 Introduction
    1:00 Gumsberg project in Sweden
    6:05 Burfjord project in Norway
    10:27 Financing and share rollback
    12:20 Burn rate & treasury TSXV:NOCR - OTC:NOCRF - FRA:03E
    Discovery Hole announcement:…20210301.pdf

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    mining stocksnorden crown metals -

  • NOT the usual Pump+Dump :wall: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :wall:

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