Trillion Energy / TCF (CSE)

  • Darauf haben wir gewartet......bald am Ziel und dann wird gebohrt und wenn nicht irgendwelche unerwarteten Dinge passieren....ich rede also vom Normalfall....... rechne ich mit einer schnellen Kursverdopplung vom aktuellen Stand und mehr....

    Go Uranus

  • Derzeit meine größte Einzelposition mit 17,85%.
    Ging in den letzten Tagen einfach herrlich gen Norden.

    Ich bin auch gespannt, wohin die Reise gehen wird.
    Nicht unrealistisch halte ich Kurse im Bereich der 1,00 € bis 1,20€ in den nächsten 3-6 Monaten.
    Das hängt natürlich in erster Linie von den Bohrungen ab.
    Sollten die Preise für Gas noch weiter steigen, kann das hier eine "EierlegendeWollMilchSau" geben.

    Viel Glück allen Investierten!

    LG Mio

  • Der Gaspreis muss nicht mal weiter steigen. Wenn der Gaspreis einfach nur für ein Jahr stabil bleibt, dann kann TCF in der Zeit mehr als die komplette aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung in Form von Free Cashflow einnehmen! Und danach geht es ja auch weiter, wenn auch irgendwann zu niedrigeren Gaspreisen.

    Sieht man sich die TTF-Gas-Futures an, dann wird das extrem hohe Preisniveau noch bis mindestens Winter 23/24 bestehen bleiben. Ab Sommer 2024 sinkt der Preis langsam und bildet erst 2026 einen Boden bei umgerechnet 13 $/MMBtu, bei dem der Preis bis zum restlichen Jahrzehnt verharrt. D.h. auch der "Boden" ist immer noch deutlich mehr als das, was wir früher als Gaspreis hatten. Das frühere Gaspreisniveau von durchschnittlich ca. 4 $/MMBtu sehen wir ohne russisches Gas nie wieder.
    Also selbst nach dem Gas-Boom können wir mit voraussichtlich 13 $/MMBtu rechnen. TCF hat OPEX von 2 $, es bleibt also auch langfristig eine Geldruckmaschine.

    Beim Gaspreis und auch operativ sehe ich daher wenig Risiken.
    Größtes Risiko bleibt meiner Meinung nach das politische Risiko in der Türkei mit Blick auf die Wahlen am 18.06.2023. Aber dafür so einen starken Abschlag? Das halte ich für übertrieben. Die türkische Gasproduktion ist noch ziemlich unbedeutend, aber stark am Wachsen und zum Teil auch in den Händen von Staatsunternehmen. Ich denke und hoffe daher nicht, dass die Politik da in Form einer "Windfall Tax" oder irgendwelchen Preisdiktaten eingreift. Sonst würden sie ihre aufstrebende Gasindustrie gleich wieder abwürgen.

  • Neuestes Interview mit CEO Art Halleran:

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  • Bei 0,40CAD würde ich nochmal schwach werden und aufstocken.....

    Moin @valueman,
    ich bin gestern wieder schwach geworden und habe bei 0,2949 (FINRA other OTC) nochmals nachgelegt (1/4 des geplanten Nachkaufvolumens). Ich werde bei weiteren Rücksetzern alle 2 cent das restliche geplante cash einsetzen, trotz mittlerweile 19,79% Depotanteil.
    Fundamental hat sich nichts verändert und der Gaspreis wird sicherlich weiterhin hoch bleiben, wenn nicht sogar weiter steigen.

    Wie oben geschrieben kommt es auf die Bohrungen an. Die Dauer von ca. 40 Tagen werden wir uns noch gedulden müssen. Danach kommt FCF und mit jeder erfolgreichen Bohrung steigt dieser FCF.
    Das wird auch in einem fallenden Gesamtmarktumfeld nicht unerkannt bleiben.

    Allen Investierten viel Erfolg!

    LG Mio

  • Rising Star Trillion Energy Ready to Supply Much Needed European Gas

    Resource World

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Trillion Energy International Inc (OTC: TRLEF – CSE: TCF – Frankfurt: Z62) is a company in the right place at the right time as it is poised to bring on desperately needed natural gas production within weeks to the European market.
    With energy prices going parabolic, gas supplies cut off and the Ukraine War drags on with no end in sight, Europe is facing a long cold winter and a decade of sky-high energy pricing. Russia has indefinitely shuttered the Nord Stream Pipeline, thereby cutting off much of Europe’s natural gas supply, in retaliation for Western sanctions. The pipeline won’t flow again until the sanctions are removed, according to Russian sources.
    European natural gas and power prices are near record high levels. Electric prices in Germany and around the continent are now exceeding $1000 per megawatt, far exceeding the US’s average of $154! Staggering increases are negatively impacting businesses and consumers. Many have no choice but to go without. After seeing geometric electric price increases, many businesses, such as the UK Pub industry, may soon be history.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    In Italy, average household power bills have increased to €500 per month from €160 in 2021 with estimates of increases to €600, based on Russian shut down of the Nord Stream pipeline.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    For Europe as a whole, based on the Forward TTL power prices as represented in the below chart, energy bills could hit 15% of GDP or 2 TRILLION. In a nightmare scenario, energy costs could hit 20% of GDP, according to research by Goldman Sachs, as illustrated below:
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Numerous European electric power suppliers are insolvent due to the soaring price of natural gas. The government bailouts are just getting started; rolling blackouts, “gas-outs,” and industrial shutdowns are in the cards. Fears of impending energy shortages have led Europeans to start hoarding coal and firewood. Heat your home above 18 degrees Celsius and risk going to jail for up to three years. Possible energy rationing and exploding electric prices have ignited a desperate search for new natural gas supplies to keep Europe from freezing this winter. The impact of natural gas shortages has been cataclysmic so far, and with winter looming, the worst could be yet to come.
    When will the crisis end and gas and power prices return to normal? According to Citigroup Inc, Europe will have to wait until later this decade before seeing any meaningful relief.
    While many bemoan this sad, self-inflicted state of affairs, Trillion Energy (TRLEF; TCF.CN) is doing something about it, having planned a massive natural gas development in the Black Sea offshore Turkiye -prior to the Ukraine War even starting, a project 10+ years in the making.
    Trillion’s shares are trading in the $0.32 range, up 233% year-to-date. A recently released research report prepared by Research Capital Corp’s analyst Bill Newman, CFA suggests the stock is undervalued and calls for a share price target of $1.02 (C$1.35), based on a 3.0 x multiple of 2024F debt-adjusted cash flow. The Canadian Securities Exchange also recently recognized Trillion’s stellar performance adding it to the CSE25 Index.
    With the arrival of the Uranus Drilling Rig from Romania this week, a massive natural gas field in the Southwestern Black Sea of Turkiye will start gas production imminently. Trillion Energy has been racing to commence gas production having committed $100 million plus to a multi-year offshore natural gas drilling program.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Image: Marine ship pulling Uranus Rig to SASB Gas Field, September 2022
    The production program utilizes a $600m+ historical investment into the initial development and infrastructure of the field, including 12 miles of offshore pipelines tied to an onshore natural gas processing facility, which is currently rated at 75MMcf per day but is readily expandable to 150MMcf. Prior to the current development phase, the SASB gas field produced 42+ billion cubic feet of gas, which at today’s $30 pricing would be worth $1.26 billion. These figures could easily be eclipsed by the current drilling efforts scheduled for completion in 2024.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Figure 1: Map of the SASB gas field development, Black Sea
    CEO Arthur Halleran (Ph.D.), a four-decade industry veteran, believes that every cubic foot of natural gas counts – now more than ever – and he has been working non-stop to bring the SASB project online for several years. The SASB project will produce desperately needed natural gas supplies -just in time for the cold winter.
    With the Uranus Drilling Rig, Trillion Energy plans to drill 17 new production wells at the rate of one every 45 to 48 days. The accumulative investment in SASB potentially makes it the largest natural gas development in the Black Sea, where total development costs may reach $1 billion.
    While Halleran was busy raising funds to finance the new development earlier on this year, energy prices rose exponentially. By September of this year, gas prices had risen exponentially to $30+ per mcf. The SASB gas field economics were appealing at $6-7 per mcf gas when the project was conceived, but now are truly overwhelming.
    As a result of the Company’s efforts, perhaps more than any other emerging energy producer, Trillion Energy is poised to profit from the once in a lifetime, massive parabolic lift in European energy costs. According to a recent statement by Trillion’s CEO Art Halleran:
    We believe the recent price increases will significantly enhance the economic performance of … program set to commence … at the SASB gas field. With seven wells producing, we will supply the region with much-needed natural gas in a time of acute shortages and high prices”.
    What makes the Company even more intriguing is its exploration upside. Trillion’s CEO stated that “SASB has the same Maykop source rock as found at the recently discovered 19 Tcf Sakarya Gas Field. This source rock is widespread and also occurs onshore Turkiye and in South Caspian Sea area.” The Sakarya Gas field is one of the largest natural gas finds in the European region in more than 30 years and SASB is 100 miles south of Sakarya.
    Trillion has 20 years of experience in this region and possesses a wealth of historic seismic data, upon which it announced plans earlier this year to conduct further exploration for new gas discoveries.
    Trillion’s unique position as a natural gas producer in Europe at the right time with an aggressive development plan unfolding makes it poised to become a leader in new natural gas supply, as well as a near-term cash cow beyond what its modest $140m market capitalization would predict.
    Small wonder that renowned oil and gas analyst Bill Newman, CFA is calling for a significant rise in Trillion’s share price to C$1.35 and the Company has been recently welcomed to the CSE25 index of top performers.

  • Trillion Energy Provides Operational Update For SASB Gas Field

    Akcakoca-3 Well being readied for perforations as gas sales from the South Akcakoca well commence

    November 14, 2022 – Vancouver, B.C. – Trillion Energy International Inc. (“Trillion or the “Company”) (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) (Frankfurt: Z62) is pleased to announce that gas sales have commenced from its first new well (South Akcakoca) and that the borehole for Akcakoca-3 has now been cleared of old wireline through a fishing operation and cleaned, readied for the planned re-perforation operation this week.
    An operation to fish the junk from the Akcakoca-3 well has now been successfully completed. After five days, our crew recovered over 600 kgs of lost cable, mill out the old packer and cleared the wellbore. All the lost cable above the packer was recovered, and the old packer was pushed down below the deepest perforation interval.
    Images of the “fish” recovered from the Akcakoca-3 well may be found on our Twitter and LinkedIn feed @trillionenergy and will be included in our weekly newsletter that users may sign up for on our website
    The Akcakoca-3 borehole is now ready for the re-perforation, including the remaining gas-bearing zones totalingapproximately 34 meters of pay. Perforations are anticipated to be completed later this week, with production commencing shortly thereafter.
    Natural gas sales have commenced from South Akcakoca-2, which was put on initial production rates averaging approximately 3.0 MMcf/d between November 4th to 10th. The Company is monitoring production characteristics of the well and is planning to gradually increase production rates over time.

    Arthur Halleran, CEO of Trillion Energy stated:

    “We are pleased to have achieved gas sales from South Akcakoca-2 ahead of schedule in cooperation with our partner, TPAO. During testing, no gas was vented to the atmosphere as the gas flow was contained within the pipeline production system. This Akcakoca-3 fishing operation could not be done earlier, as the Uranus rig was required due to the mechanical challenges faced. We look forward to perforating and putting the well back on production this week.”

    Los geht's Trillion :thumbup:

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    Halleran tells Proactive the net present value (NPV) of proved reserves increased by over 200% to $123.8 million and the NPV of proved and probable P2 natural gas reserves increased over 400% to $432 million.

    habe den einsatz rausgenommen und damit meine position in mcf energy verdoppelt.

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